Finally out of Those Who Hunt Elves, and their Crazy World, the SI is awoken by the last thing you could have expected, himself. Trying to maintain 100% when you're running on sketchy amounts of sleep at best, while crossing worlds can not be the easiest task ever thought up. The usual day to day problems don't just go away. It just comes back at the least oportune moment. Like when you're trying to negotiate not being eviscerated by an old man because he found you with his Granddaughter...
So I ask you: How do you deal with Kitsamut's Revenge?
Most excellent storyline.
ReplyDeleteSo very realistic in a fantastical LSD trip kind of way. :)
Your use of cliffhangers...
evil genius.
Are we about to find out something about Grandpa that is not readily apparent in the canon manga?
Love your Work!